ASOCKET.ZIP 206,071 10-03-96| ASocket - is a VB custom control which makesit easy to write TCP/IP client and serversoftware. Both 16- and 32-bit versions are
BHEXVIEW.ZIP 181,792 09-11-96| BisonWare HexView - is a comprehensiveanalysis tool aimed at developers wishingto analyze data files in great detail. Itallows EBCDIC and ASCII viewing of fixedrecord length files, allows the contents ofa specific fie
CAL32.ZIP 56,107 12-20-96| DameWare Cal32 OCX is a calendar customcontrol for use with Visual Basic andVisual C++. It incorporates manycustomizable properties (3D, colors, fonts,tool tips, context menu, etc.) and has adate range between Januar
CHIEF290.ZIP 588,808 08-06-96| CHIEF'S INSTALLER PRO (for Win 3.1x, Win95,and Windows NT). This program is an "offthe shelf" installation package for Windowsprograms. It can be used to install Windowspackages of almost any size (up to 64installatio
CHKLST13.ZIP 43,518 10-22-96| DameWare CheckList OCX is a 32bit "Check"List-Box custom control for use with VisualBasic and Visual C++. Offering manycustomizable properties (fonts, colors, 3D,etc.), it is very end-user friendly versusthe old multi
CODEPR32.ZIP 391,459 09-18-96| CodePrint v3.xx is a Windows 95, NT 3.51program used to print ASCII text files onany printer supported by Windows. You caneasily select files to print with controlover how the text is formatted on the page.You can ope
CODESTSM.ZIP 957,630 08-27-96| Code Storage for VB gives you quick and easyaccess to your commonly used procedure Subsand Functions as well as the Win32 (orWin31) API Declares, Constants and Types.It also holds the new Visual Basicconstants so now
COMSPY95.ZIP 138,884 09-25-96| ComSpy95 (32-bit) - reports the activities onyour modem through COM port APIs or WindowsSocket APIs. You can also capture all dataflowing in and any commands sent out byprograms such as WinCim and IExplore.
CPVB267.ZIP 484,085 08-06-96| Code.Print for VB v2.267 The ORIGINAL VBsource code documentation utility -printing code since 1992. Now with newWin'95 style interface. Full support forVB4 and long file names. Based on the awardwinning commercial ve
CSDKL32.ZIP 992,171 08-07-96| Compucat Software Deployment Kit (32-bit) -is an application installation and removalsystem for Win95/NT that allows you tocreate multi-platform installations fromthe same disk set. CD-ROM and networksupport is includ
CSSVC_32.ZIP 146,750 08-07-96| CSS Version Check (32-bit) - can detect allthe libraries and components (VBX) that areused by a program. This can be useful forthe creation of setup disks, clientsupport, version checking, and much more.
CT_OCX.ZIP 796,200 09-25-96| Component Toolbox OCX - contains ademonstration of 25 32-bit OCX controls forVB4. Controls include calendars, schedulingbars, tabs, popup help tips, and more.
CYGNUS.ZIP 332,820 10-10-96| Cygnus - is a fast hex editor for Win95/NT.Features include an MDI interface, multi-level undo/redo, extensive drag and dropsupport, fast and flexible search, and more.
DBPROGRS.ZIP 36,457 09-04-96| DELPHI TDBPROGRESS COMPONENT - TheTDBProgress component provides progressfeedback on database operations and alsoprovides the possibility to abort suchoperations. The TDBProgress can be linkedto a gauge or label to ke
DCG32007.ZIP 250,916 10-16-96| dCG (32-bit) - generates much of the commoncode that you have to type whenever you'reabout to start a new project. This wascreated with C/C++ coding in mind, butshould work with most platforms. Requires
DFINFO.ZIP 197,623 09-25-96| Disk and File Info Control - is a VBX controlthat gives you disk and file informationthat VB doesn't provide. It includes thedrive's serial number, and allows you tochange some aspects of a file such asattributes, siz
DLLCHK95.ZIP 239,981 09-04-96| DLL Check 95 - is a DLL management utilityfor Win95. Features include the ability tocreate a log of all modules that load orunload in a session, the ability to searchfor duplicate modules, and a detailedinformation di
DLLMST40.ZIP 275,213 09-11-96| Dll Master For Vb3 Under Win95 Lists AllModules Currently Loaded in Windows' MemoryAnd Allows You to Load, Unload, orDecrement The Use Count of Dlls. ModulePath, Datetime Filesize And InternalVersion And Header Info A
EXEBTN.ZIP 63,770 08-12-96| EXE-Buttons - permits you to call up otherprograms from your Delphi application withfull control over the command line, workingpath and start-conditions of the program.Both 16- and 32-bit versions are included.
EXESPY95.ZIP 132,369 09-04-96| ExeSpy (32-bit) - logs and reports theexecution of Windows applications. This caninform you if you have missing or alteredfiles after upgrading to Win95.
EZNET.ZIP 271,923 10-07-96| EasyNet/OCX - is a VB4 custom control whichallows you to develop flowchart-enabledapplications. Both 16- and 32-bit versionsare included.
EZVBAP95.ZIP 91,681 08-07-96| EZVBApp95 - assists novice VB4 programmers byproviding a complete application frameworkwith all the most commonly needed functionsincluding: compact/repair of a database,Help files, error trapping and reporting,"nag"
FXEDIT16.ZIP 54,543 05-05-96| File Editor For Windows V1.6 A FreewareHexadecimal Editor For Windows 3.X And Win95
GPCLIP.ZIP 36,412 08-12-96| gpClipboard - is a Delphi component that willprovide your applications with standardclipboard features.
GSSERROR.ZIP 340,050 08-05-96| GSS Error Handling System - is a completeerror handling and debugging system for 32-bit VB4. You are able to customize the"look and feel" of the Error Dialog atdesign time so that the error handler fitsin with the res
HEDIT20.ZIP 182,317 07-14-96| HEdit v2.0 Hexadecimal editor for binaryfiles. Unlimited file size (easily workswith GB-sized files), insert and delete,binary and text search, selectable fonts,clipboard support, multiple documentinterface Integrates
HEXCALC.ZIP 104,812 09-23-96| HexCalc - is a 32-bit calculator program thatdoes integer calculations and conversionsin decimal and hexadecimal formats. It isprimarily intended to be a hex calculatorfor programmers, hackers, or anyone whoencounters
HW32V22.ZIP 915,122 08-29-96| Hex Workshop, the Professional Hex Editor, isa file and disk editor which allows you toedit, insert, delete, cut, copy and pastehex. Additional features include goto,find, replace, file compare, and checksum
INFOTICK.ZIP 36,765 10-10-96| DameWare InfoTick OCX/ActiveX custom controlfor use with Visual Basic, Visual C++, WebPage, etc. It is a filcker freeImformation Ticker, Timer events. Easy touse with event notification and method.DameWare Developmen
LIONTAB.ZIP 75,623 08-27-96| LionTab - is a 32-bit OCX that providesadvanced tab-controls which support MSWord, MS Excel, Win95 and Notebook styletab- strips positioned at the top, bottom,left or right sides of the dialog or form.This has been te
LZAPI32.ZIP 655,646 10-03-96| LZAPI - contains 32-bit DLLs that support LZH,ZIP, ARC, ARJ, and ZOO archive formats.This supports C/C++ and Pascal. A demo is
MCSECURE.ZIP 142,652 08-05-96| MC-Security (16/32 bit) - is a set ofroutines that allows VB developers toprotect programs, applications, files or
METADOC.ZIP 410,512 08-06-96| MetaDoc - is a print previewer/documentcreator DLL for 32-bit development.Features include the ability to drawshapes, wrap text, rotated text, multipagedocument support, and much more. Requires
NETLIST.ZIP 41,324 10-09-96| DameWare NetList OCX is a 32bit NetworkResource Browser custom control for usewith Visual Basic and Visual C++. Itincorporates many customizable properties(resource type, comments, context menu,etc.). Easy to use with
NPARSE32.ZIP 978,685 08-06-96| NParse32 - is a 32-bit custom control that isused to parse through either text files orimmediate strings. Requires VB4.
NUMEDIT.ZIP 86,100 09-04-96| TNumberEdit - is a component for Delphi thatfacilitates numerical entries.